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Home DFR Observations & Comment Monthly Digest - Sep 2008 Monthly Digest - Sep 2008 E-mail
Written by Douglas Russell   
Saturday, 29 November 2008 13:04

UAE suffered from sophisticated ATM fraud
oint forces to combat ATM fraud in South Africa
Victims fell into ATM skimming and PIN compromise
US$2million withdrawn from malfunctiong ATM

UAE suffered from sophisticated ATM fraud
Large scale card and PIN compromise in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar dominated reports of ATM fraud in September resulting in the Central Bank launching a thorough investigation. Speculation continues about whether the attack was focussed on the ATM end-point or whether a more technically sophisticated network or processor compromise was to blame. The impact of the attack went beyond those who experienced financial losses. Cardholders were encouraged to change their PIN numbers to reduce the impact of the fraud and some issuers blocked ATM transactions abroad as a precaution.

Joint forces to combat ATM fraud in South Africa
Law enforcement and industry co-operation in South Africa caused a dramatic reduction in the number of explosive physical attacks against ATMs in the country. Intelligence led policing is credited with a significant number of arrests and disruption to the criminals responsible for what has been a very costly and dangerous pattern of attacks over the last few years. However, some sources believe that displacement will result in the crime migrating to neighbouring countries.

Victims fell into ATM skimming and PIN compromise
The number of individual charges brought by prosecutors against suspects in ATM fraud cases continues to indicate just how many consumers are becoming victims of ATM fraud, particularly skimming and PIN compromise. A recent case in Canada included 81 charges laid against individuals and in Australia more than 90 charges (each) were presented against a couple suspected of card and PIN compromise.

US$2million withdrawn from malfunctiong ATM
Reinforcing that taking money that does not belong to you, even where the ATM system is suspected of suffering from a malfunction, a patron of a casino in Indiana (USA) has been charged with theft of US$20,000. A total of more than US$ 2million is reported to have been withdrawn from a malfunctioning ATM which was dispensing cash without debiting the consumers account.




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